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发布时间:2015-09-26 作者:网络 阅读:268次
What I want to say SUN (sun) and MS (moon) both are very Important to IT
WORLD (world) but both are now enemies now a days they are making languages
to dominate each other.  This is sure without sun and moon there is no world
like that with out SUN and MS there is no IT WORLD. I pry to god to make both
are good friends they should work for IT PEOPLE.
This application has 4 files
comp.bat  //for compel
In this application I used Inner class for developing panel.
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System;
//for mixed background
public void format(object s,PaintEventArgs a)
      Graphics g=CreateGraphics();
      Rectangle rect=new Rectangle(0,0,300,300);
      Color nyc=Color.FromArgb(200,50,5,200);
      LinearGradientBrush b=new       LinearGradientBrush(rect,Color.DarkOra
//for calling java program
private void calljava(object ob,EventArgs arg)
//using Inner class for panel
public class pp:Panel
     int x;
     int y;
     Timer t=new Timer();
     String s="Hi...\nyou Know?\nWe are good Friends\nI can call Java ...";
     String mail="mail me..\nmallm_uma@rediffmail.com\nmahe_proj@rediffmail.
     private Label l=null;
     private Label maill=null;
     Color nyc;
     public pp()
     this.Location=new Point(0,10);
     this.Size=new Size(300,230);
     maill=new Label();
     l=new Label();
     l.Size=new Size(250,100);
     l.Font=new Font("verdana",15,FontStyle.Bold);
     maill.Size=new Size(160,40);
     maill.Location=new Point(10,192);
     maill.Font=new Font("verdana",7,FontStyle.Bold);
     t.Tick+=new EventHandler(draw);
   protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs a)
      Graphics g=a.Graphics;
      Rectangle rect=new Rectangle(0,0,300,230);
      LinearGradientBrush b=new LinearGradientBrush(rect,Color.DarkOrange,ny
      Font ff=new Font("Arial",14,FontStyle.Bold);
      SolidBrush bb=new SolidBrush(nyc);
      StringFormat df=new StringFormat();
//for animation
     void draw(object ob,EventArgs a)
     l.Location=new Point(x,y);
    public static void Main()
    Application.Run(new shesharp());